Monday, November 7, 2011



OWS, feel free to use this simple, concise list.

#1.  HOUSING.  A moratorium on all foreclosures.  A government mandate to all lenders that spells out a clear set of rules for each homeowner based on principal lost and income lost.  A % of principal must be forgiven, and interest rates should be written down to 1 or 2% for a period of at least 5 years to give the homeowner a chance to recover.  This would immediately stop the downward spiral of housing prices by eliminating much of the distressed inventory.  Bring housing back into the black and the middle class will feel invigorated and they will begin spending again.

#2.  BANKING.  Voluntary or forced break up of the "too big to fail"  banks.  Create real competition again.  Reintroduce a version of Glass-Steagall in order to get the bankers out of everything except mortgages, auto loans, and business loans.  Usury regulations  for all lenders.  Top interest rates that can be charged consumers based on the federal funds rate plus a small add on - that would apply to all consumer loans, including credit cards, revolving accounts, etc.  If borrowing becomes affordable once again for consumers, they will begin to spend more freely.  Student loans must have a minimum of 2 years before repayment begins.  Interest on student loans should be at the federal funds rate with no add on.

#3.  $ IN POLITICS.  (See Jack Abramoff's 60 minutes interview from 11/6/11).  Dirty money out of politics.  Real campaign finance reform.  Publicly funded races for all.  Reverse the Citizens United decision, or invalidate it.  Remove Clarence Thomas from office and prosecute him for the egregious conflict of interest and non reporting.

#4.  EMPLOYMENT.  Create a tax advantage to relocate manufacturing in the US.  Create a punitive tax for corporations that promote overseas operations over US operations.  ( See Walmart's "Buy American 2002 national media campaign - as they began the process of shipping 300 million in purchases to the Chinese from American manufacturers, forcing their competitors to follow suit ).  Well funded boycotts with national advertising may help the corporations see the light.

#5.  TAXES.  Take all of the special interest exemptions out of the tax code.  Overseas earnings of US corporations should no longer be exempt.  Tax idle corporate capital, forcing them to invest in the US.  All should pay unavoidable, reasonable rates.  Taxes on top earners must increase.  Simplified tax rates should float and relate to spending, creating a balanced budget.

#6.  HEALTH CARE.  Opt in to Medicare - at cost - for anyone who wishes to participate in government backed, single payer health insurance.  All others can stay in the for profit system as they wish.

#7.  JUSTICE.  Prosecution and punishment for the top 100 investment bankers that have brought the US economy to its knees.  There must be severe punishment to act as a deterrent for the white collar criminals of the future.

This would be a significant start to rectifying the wrongs perpetrated on the American people in recent decades.  OWS has the opportunity to begin this process in earnest.  If the bought and paid for Republicans and Democrats cannot and will not participate, then perhaps it's time to form a viable 3rd party to take on the real issues that affect us all.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Changes You Need To Consider

Stop buying from BP.  They may or may not be any worse than any other giant oil company, but they are the one that did the damage and will never truly pay the price for the clean up.

Transfer your $ to smaller, community based banks.  They know who you are and actually care about your business.  If you're using Citicorp or Chase or BOA, you are an insignificant number to them, with no clout and no voice.

Stop buying from Walmart.  In 2002/2003 they began a huge national ad campaign, "Buy American", at the same time they began to systematically transfer about 300 billion dollars in purchasing a year overseas.  Sure, they lowered costs, forcing others to follow -  the result is that they decimated manufacturing in this country to our detriment.  I'd rather pay $50 more for a TV and have 6% unemployment.

Stop eating fast food.  If you haven't seen the documentaries or read the books - do so immediately.  You'll never eat another McNugget or fast food burger again.  Read Michael Pollan.  Read Gary Taubes.  Change your diet and become healthier.  The best thing we can all do to combat health care costs is to become healthier.

Stop making excuses for the lunacy of the tea party.  Call it like you see it.  Stop pandering, stop excusing, stop feeling sorry for them, or guilty feeling superior to these dangerous fools.  The real crux of the tea partiers are Ted Kaczynski types, or the tax cheats that haven't filed in 20 years, or the militia members waiting for their chance to shoot some people over their stash of bottled water, or the klan members, neo-nazis, or john birchers - all whom cannot believe we have a black president.  They're a collection of fools, dolts, idiots, reprobates, and low intellect morons that vote against their own self interest.  It's Darwin at his finest - left up to their own devices, they would be extinct in no time.  

This is in no way a condemnation of true conservative philosophy.  People that believe in smaller government, low taxes, few regulations, aggressive foreign policy, etc. have a real basis for those views, and they are defensible positions.  There may be some true conservatives in that party, but they are simply using the fools to promote their agenda.  The problem is, there is no way to control or educate these idiots - so while they may seem to be on your team, they aren't.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A New Party

It's time.

Time for a real, powerful, astute, wealthy, aggressive, 3rd political party that exists only for the benefit of the  populous.

I'm sick of the incredible weakness and ineptitude of the Democrats, along with their watered down do nothing fixes for serious issues, obviously bowing to the big moneyed interests and seas of lobbyists, among other conflicts of interest.

I'm sick of listening to know nothing intellectually retarded zealots that seem to be taking over the Republican party.  What's next for the platform - stop teaching math and science and replace it with wiccan theory? A crackpot is a crackpot - why is the Republican party allowing this abomination?  Carl Rove actually came out viciously ( and rightfully so), against these idiot candidates, but was silenced immediately.

The current state of 3rd party efforts isn't worth discussing.  Since Ross Perot, there hasn't been a serious threat to either party.  They're relegated to spoiler status - who are they taking more votes away from - never a serious contender.

Why not a platform with lofty goals and the promise to utilize the greatest minds of our generation to achieve those goals?  Why is it seemingly so impossible?  I believe if people banded together with these common goals, it could all be achieved and in a short period of time.  The status quo only suits those in power.

PEACE - We will not become involved in any war unless we are threatened or attacked.
PROSPERITY -Raise the minimum income level of all citizens.  Keep taxes to a minimum.  Full employment.
HEALTH - Cure cancer. Reduce life threatening diseases.  Change US diets. Limit pollution.
FREEDOM - Let people do what they want as long as they don't harm others
INDEPENDENCE - Oil/energy.  Food/water.  Technology.

Keep a strong defense deterrent.  Keep your guns.
Bring the manufacturing facilities back here.  Bring the service facilities back here.
Stay healthier.  Reduce the need for health care - reducing the cost dramatically.
Tax credits for gym memberships, not free scooters from medicare.
Drugs are a medical issue. Keep your pot.  Prisons are for violent offenders and thieves.
Energy Independence now.

Everyone wants to be independent of the Arab oil producers - so let's actually do it.  People will participate, people want to participate.  Tax credits for hybrids and electric cars.  Build more nuclear plants.  Reward new, more efficient solar, wind, and battery powered technology. 

Reward ingenuity.  Reward volunteers.  Reward hard work.  Reward making intelligent choices.
Minimize abortion through education, adoption, and new medical technology.

Eliminate waste and fraud.  Real solutions to cut ridiculous programs and circumvent government fraud.

I believe it's time to start a national movement to truly take our country back.  Who is the transformational persona that can mobilize the people to make this happen?  Where is he or she?  I'm looking for a volunteer.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Dull As Taxes

Yes, how clever, but truly what is as dull as a discussion of the benefits of higher or lower taxes, yet most people have little or no knowledge of the impact these decisions have on their everyday lives, and never really consider the consequences of a politicians tax positions.

Alan Greenspan recently was quoted stating that tax cuts for the wealthy are not paid for.  Meaning that any tax cut given to the wealthiest 2% of us will directly increase our national debt - which means that all of us will share in paying the ultra wealthy their tax credit.

The argument is that these wealthy individuals are primarily small business owners and that they will plow that money back into the economy via business expansion which creates jobs.  If that were truly the argument, I would be in favor of these tax cuts,  ONLY IF these individuals were required to reinvest these funds into US employment creation;  opening factories, opening stores, opening warehouses, investing in new research and development, new technologies - you get the idea.  But of course, that's not really the argument for these tax cuts is it?

The tax cut you give to one person earning 100 million a year, could amount to a tax cut of nearly $4000 for about 1000 average taxpayers.  My contention is that the tax cut for the wealthy individual creates virtually nothing for the economy.  That additional tax cut simply gets reinvested and saved.  However, the $4000 tax cut for the average taxpayer would create a positive economic impact.  Those consumers will spend much of that money on clothing, vacations, cars, home improvements, electronics, to name a few.  Simply put, greater demand for goods and services will create more employment opportunities, which create more demand for goods and services - a great vicious cycle.  The wealthy individual may buy a 3rd home or a 12th car, but he won't be buying 2000 plasma TV's or 4000 pairs of shoes.

In addition, the average working taxpayer is paying about half their income to taxes - a number that is much too high.  When you combine federal taxes, state taxes, property taxes, benefits taxes (soc.sec., medicare, etc), sales taxes, local municipalities taxes,  it's no wonder that the national savings rates are so abysmal.  While the average wealthy individual pays a much smaller percentage of their total income in taxes - primarily because of the great advantages built into the system by your politicians for these wealthy individuals.  Why do you think the capital gains tax is currently so low?  Why are businesses allowed to avoid taxes in such a myriad of ways?  The answer is obvious - Political clout - politicians bought and paid for.

Don't misread this.  I am a true capitalist.  I love business.  I want everyone to have the opportunity to accumulate wealth.  I want the system to work better, to provide growth and opportunity for entrepreneurs and employment for everyone else.  The "trickle down" theory doesn't work.  If you want tax cuts for the wealthy - fine - let's tie it in to increasing employment. We do have taxation with representation.  Let's use it to represent the will of all the people, not the will of just the wealthy.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Which Side Are You On?

I contend that there are no sides, only false differentials created to divide reasonable people.

Who objects to the following?

*  Low Taxes
*  Balanced Budget
*  Strong Defense
*  Equality Under The Law
*  Some Social Safety Net
*  Personal Freedom
*  Capitalism With A Few Rules
*  Clean, Healthy Environment
*  Self Sufficient, Independent Of Foreign Interests

The poisonous discourse seems to be over a few explosive issues - all controlled by money and the media.  I don't object to a smart perspective that is the direct opposite of my perspective.  I do object to opinions rooted in either ignorance or stupidity.  I believe that the ensuing political battles to come will not be over the big ideas we all can agree on, but on the audacity of the stupid - suggesting hopelessly lugubrious solutions to serious, complex issues.  I don't object to Republican, Democrat, or Independent.  I object to stupidity and the recent rise in star quality fools.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's Always The Opposite

I hope this isn't intuitively obvious, but in most facets of life what often appears to be the case is often the opposite.  This theory trumps most logic, and becomes a somewhat distorted, albeit accurate way to judge most circumstances.  The only disturbing part of this theory is how do you teach it to kids without destroying faith and trust?

Here are a few choice selections, but feel free to add your own.

*  The staunch, vehement anti gay politician is usually a self hating gay person.
*  The "healthy choice" advertised super food is usually a chemistry set full of carcinogens.
*  The ultra religious among us are usually masking overwhelming guilt over personal actions or thoughts.
*   Visible, public charity may be an offset for something heinous.  True charity is silent and anonymous.
      (grand scale charity may be an exception - but possibly not).
*  Public statements of, "I am not a .............." usually means the opposite.
*  Face saving/feeling saving private statements usually mean the opposite.
*  Ultra hawkish politicians most likely have never fought and never served.
*  The biggest bullies in life usually are the most frightened and cowardly when confronted or challenged.
*  Corporations that mount altruistic ad campaigns are doing the exact opposite.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Audacity of Stupid

The greatest difference in society and politics today is that it is no longer shameful to be uninformed or incapable of processing complex thoughts.  Prior to this last decade, students that didn't know the answers in class tried to be as inconspicuous as possible, in order to avoid humiliation.  Now these former D students seem to wear their ignorance as a badge of honor.